Light ROM 4
Light ROM 4 - Disc 1.iso
000104_owner-lightwave-l _Thu May 4 10:04:30 1995.msg
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Date: Thu, 04 May 1995 10:01:45 -0500 (EST)
From: Brad Prosise <PROSISE%UTK_CTV%UTK_IPS%HUB%UTKVX@wpgate.utk.edu>
Subject: Help PLEASE. Networking PC and Amiga
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
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I just recieved my work copy of the pre release lightwave 4.0
for the PC. My P100 with 32 megs of ram and a Gig HD should be
here any day. In anticipation of moving rendered frames from the
PC to one of 2 toasters for out put to videotape, we have bugun
a series of experiments with networking the Amigas with a PC
whit ablolutely no luck. Each amiga has a CEI A 4066 ethernet
card and we use Enlan DFS software and between the 2 amigas it
is great and easy to use. when trying to use the TCP IP demp
software freely available to talk to the PC we cant seem to make
a connection. I'm lucky in that I have 2 very Knowledgable
broadcast engineers helping me on this but it has us all
stumped. According to all the Documentation we have read we
should be talking, but, no cigar. The people from ENLAN say that
in 8 to 12 weeks they will have a product to do this easily but
I have to be able to produce right away in order to justify the
If anyone could email me any information, in as much detail as
possible, software, hardware, setups or whatever it could be
helpful. I know Im not the only one doing this so pleas Inundate
me with information.
Also, Ive been running my personal copy of 4.0 on my P90 with
16 megs of ram and windows 3.11 at home for about a week and its
great. I cant wait for the real release. Im sure it will be full
of macros, displacement mapping, and AVI support (wishfull
Brad Prosise
Post Production Supv.
University of TN
Center for Telecommunications and Video